Choose A Color
Epic’s primers, body coats and topcoats can be factory colored, colored on-site using pigment packs or both. Please consult individual product data sheet for color blending instructions. If you are interested in Metallic, Quartz, Flake, Thermal / Novolac Urethane Slurry, or Shop Floor, visit the systems page. Please consult with your Epic Representative for specific product recommendations.
the following Solid colors are available as Factory blended colors and most Epic DC Pigment Packs
Also available in Clear, Black and White
Fazor Tan
Light Grey
se camel
Off White
Dark Grey
Tile red
Charcoal grey
The following colors are Factory blended only
*The following colors are not available in pigment packs.
*Colors for Polyaspartic Coatings (DC300 or DC320) are available only in pigment packs, they are not factory blended (choose a color above).
Light Blue
dark green
Traffic Yellow
Safety Yellow