Choosing the right components for resinous floor systems can depend on numerous factors; environmental conditions, personal preferences, product performance, cure time, and VOC regulations can all play a part. Choose an Epic Solid Color System below, or custom build a system with your Epic Representative.
These solid color thin mil or high build systems can be used in a variety of applications.
Garage Floors
Aeronautical Hangars
Mechanical Rooms
Industrial Areas
Animal Care Areas
Residential Areas
Commercial Areas
Pulp & Paper Industry
Institutional Areas
Storage Rooms
These roller applied, two coat systems are the economical choice for floors requiring industrial performance with an aesthetic appeal. This concrete system is used in coating smooth floor surfaces to increase light reflectivity and decrease housekeeping.
These systems are used for environments requiring an attractive, high performance floor, or when a concrete floor has sustained damage requiring a moderately thick resurfacer. This system is typically applied at 18 to 36 mils, providing the necessary coverage to hide track marks, spalls and other concrete imperfections.
Tile Red
Medium Grey
Light Grey
Charcoal Grey
Dark Grey
Off White
Light Blue
SE Camel
Traffic Yellow
FAzor Tan
Safety Yellow
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